On a personal level, this Easter and Good/Black Friday, this year, was huge for me. Why? Well, because this is the first time since being back in Illinois that I would mourn the death and celebrate the resurrection at my new home church. And as I reflect on last year at this time, I was in a very desperate place in my life being back near home. It wouldn't be until next Sunday at this time last year that I would "arrive" at my new home, just before I felt like I couldn't take it anymore being seperated from my flock. Also, my mom's mother died last year on Good/Black Friday. But out of that pain of loss came for me, a time that Christ would address my longings of a home church and feeling isolated and therefore place me with my family for an all important time of year. Thank you sweet Jesus.
This was the message Pastor James preached on this Easter Sunday. To add to my hightened anticipation of this special time of year, our church, Harvest Bible Chapel, that is nearly 10,000 strong and meets on 3 campuses (Niles, Rolling Meadows, and Elgin), would unite us for an extra special time of worship and praise at the Sears Centre in Hoffman Estates. On a quick side note, my church is big, but it is nothing like many other large churches out there. Pastor James is fired up about preaching the word of God - even if it hurts. And I personally, love that awesome ability to keep it real, even if it is not popular, and in the midst of critics. I think that is why God has poured out blessings all over this church and has grown it's numbers. Anyway, I am not sure how many attended just yet, but I will let you know when the numbers do come out! I have to say that I was amazed at how smoothly run, organized, and well thought out this outing was. From parking to childcare to seating, simply amazing. By and far the best Easter service I have ever seen. Next year, I am excited to be counted as one of the many serving instead of attending! I think I will start rotating every other year.
Even though the message today wasn't necessarily profound for a believer, I was still able to glean many aspects where the principle can be applied in my life itself. Most of us have heard:
Galatians 2:20 - I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, is by Faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (NIV)
Recently, I have been hearing God's call to die in areas of my life that I continue to hold on too. To make more of a daily, no hourly, conscious effort, to get myself out of the way, so God can do his work through me. Just when I think in some of these areas that it might be over, I have relinguished all control, all the signs and symptoms are there, I start spewing out things that are not from God. Or I have stepped in thinking God needs some help??? What is that??? There is certainly room in my heart still to be transformed in this area. It is not enough to know and think that you understand, it has to be lived out. And when it is lived out, is when we shine for Jesus. It has to get messages on that 6 inch highway, and start living it out through Christ. Easter is also a time when many unbelievers come and attend.....what a profound message for that unbeliever to hear.
Oh, heavenly Father, please come into the lives of those lost souls and speak to them personally. Tell them you love them Lord, and that you are sweetly calling their names. Lord, please also, I beg you to erase from their minds any work of man that was not from You. Give them a new and fresh perspective, and hope for a life lived in You. I ask this in Your Sons name, Amen.
1 week ago
Definitely an amazing service ... with all the great planning and coordination, all glory goes to the great God who has given us new life through Jesus. What an amazing thing. My wife and I have been Christians for 10 and 7 years respectively, and we both needed to be reminded of this message of life. Listen to the message using this URL: mms://www.harvestbible.org/Streaming/4/ww20070408.wma
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