Is that a word? Anyway more on my inability to spell things later, for now, I thought that I might entertain you (besides my spelling), with something somewhat humerous! About a week and a half ago, on a Friday, I was hastily trying to get out of the house. My mind was not focused on the steps needed to be taken before I left, but rather on a matter I could not shake. Usually when I leave, I put the dogs in the den and put up the gate so that they don't go whizzing all over the house. Poor girls used to get the run of the main living area, until the wet spot appeared on a not necessarily expensive area rug (you know dollar store - $30). That ended it all. (Well, I am still trying to get them out of my bed too! They manage to find their way back though.) Evidently, my wonderful pooches thought that they would let me know exactly what they thought of their freedom and my leaving them.... No, they didn't whizz on the inexpensive new area rug (outdoor carpet this time - prices are rising - had to look elsewhere). They whizzed on the accompaning chair's cushion to our couch! No, I didn't beat them, although I would have liked to... It went all the way through the cushion, destroying the innerards (sp?)!!
Thank God for JoAnn Fabrics! They do sell high density foam for things not such as this, but rather for someone who is talented enough to make something exciting out of it. Being just so tickled pink I came home and quickly got my supplies and starting wrapping the batting around the foam. The lady at the store told me not to glue it but to use a string....well, I figured good 'ole packing tape ought to do the job, besides it's clear and it won't show like masking tape!!??? What!?! Yeah, it won't show like the masking tape would, you know, it's clear! So off I went to work - looked beautiful! I stuffed it inside the covering (that Kyle washed for me), and walla! Perfect! Except for one thing, it crinkles......every time you move.
No, I haven't changed it.......yet. So if you come to my house and sit on the chair, don't ask, just smile and chuckle a little, and I will too!
Application to my life in Christ: I am not perfect and cannot do these things on my own. Even with the best laid intentions, I am still a sinful woman, and can do nothing apart from Him.
Yes, an application even when it is just about a stupid cushion! Hope you enjoyed!
1 week ago
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