I don't know if I just have an unusual child or what, but the kid never wants to eat! Getting her to eat dinner is such a chore sometimes. I am not sure how it happened but last night dad got her to eat by playing a game. He said "let's eat our meat at the same time, okay?" To which Morgan replied "Yeah!" Then he said "on 3! 1, 2, 3!" And they both ate at the same time! He got her to finish her meal by playing this game until all her food was gone! It is amazing to me at how hard somethings can be to get a stubborn, independent toddler to do, but yet when you come at it from another angle, it is equally amazing how easy it can be too!
If you have an example, please share!!!
1 week ago
We have all sorts of issues when it comes to eating. The boys I can sometimes get to eat if I tell them I will cheer for them when they are done - if one does it and we cheer it is usually enough motivation to get the other one to! (my doctor always says sporadic eating is very normal and they will eat what they need to) Mya, I usually make eat at least 3 bites (cause she's 3 years old)- she is a little tougher, but if I don't let her eat anything else (i.e. sweets or fruit snacks)she eventually does. The other night we had friends over and they brought supper - she annoucned she did not like their food - I know it could have been worse, but it was still rude and a little embarassing (it would have been more embarassing if they wouldn't have been good friends!)
Megan -
You got that book from Lisa Whelchel didn't you? Have you been able to read any of it yet? Funny thing you mention about Mya not liking their food because she has that in her book! I'll let you know if I can track down the exact page number! I am enjoying it immensly!
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