About a month ago Addison started this what I would call a speeding worm crawl. If you can picture how a worm would crawl in a waving like pattern, only instead of slowly and methodically, at record racing pace across the floor in hopes of getting her little hands on something that has caught her eye. It took her only seconds to do this and was quite enjoyable to watch....but knowing my days of her lying nicly on the floor were soon over. Shortly after Morgan's birthday celebration the 3rd of August, Addison got up and crawled in a correct manner....she'd only been crawling a few days when she started pulling up on everything she thought was sturdy enough and then grin from ear to ear, as if saying look at me! Her once unsteady legs that would slowly slide apart until she was violently screaming down to the middle splits has given way to a more sturdy unsliding stance. I can see in her eyes that she is ready to venture out, since falling doesn't seem to phase her much. Oh, it is only a matter of time before she is into everything....our winter should be stacked with lots of new adventures!
1 week ago
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