Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Picture Day!

Thought that I should post a picture I took of Morgan before I sent her to pre-school for her picture day yesterday. She doesn't like to do anything that mom wants her to do so, I really took advantage of this picture company coming in and doing the kid's pictures. I went out last Friday searching for just that perfect outfit for her. I figured I would spend a little more for such a precious occasion. I had found an outfit at gymboree that I really liked, but after trying it on her, it didn't not complement her at all. So I went back Saturday and found this cute outfit. They were having such a great sale~40% off, plus for every $50 spent you got $25 gymbucks to spend in October! I couldn't resist and besides she didn't have any nice clothes for fall/winter (mom and I had missed the sales in early spring for the winter clothes).

This company did her pictures last year and I was shocked at how nice they turned out. Probably one of my favorites of her. Kyle took her in to school that morning, and he said that she looked like Jon Bene Ramsey (minus the makeup) compared to the rest of the kids! I couldn't help but laugh, but there is no way she would ever let me go take her somewhere for a picture, so like I said, I really took advantage of picture day! By the way that is a bag of cheese crakers. Yes, I know! I suppose I would rather have her eat something than nothing at all, which is what she doesn't if I make her something good for her! Also, I requested that she stand by this indoor tree, but she insisted on standing next to her Dora house.....ugh!!!!