It's coming and I'm not ready to provide an answer yet....I don't know what to do. What would Jesus do? I keep asking myself.... So here on the right shoulder stands conviction and over here on the left shoulder stands everything else the world will be doing. What is this? It is the much dreaded Halloween. I just don't like what it stands for. Yes, it is harmless in some ways. I mean they just dress up and get candy and every kid does it. But aren't we supposed to be different? I just can't help but think that this is Satan's biggest rally on the Christian. I mean is he telling God look at your believers participating in a pagan holiday. It feels much to much like a spiritual battle. Yet, at the same time I don't know what to tell my kid. And it is everywhere. We had a bag show up on our doorstep the other day that said "you've been booed" with candy in it. What do I tell my is inescapable. So, if we participate, I am thinking that we need to do something to give glory to God.....lame but all I can come up with is handing out tracks.... I just don't know what to say to Morgan.... I didn't have to answer last year because we flew to NC on the 31st, taking the decision from me - thank God! But I don't have an anwer for this year.....
2 weeks ago
As I post this, Romans 12:2 is stamped on the side of my page by biblegateway...
Good question. Lots of good arguments on both sides. One thing to consider as well as the call to be set apart is that sometimes Christians are so focused on setting themselves apart that they push people away.
Before you were a Christian, what would you have thought if you got a track from someone? I think better than trying to think of something to do to give glory to God is what you're already doing: wrestling with the question and being honest that you don't know the answer yet.
I think nonChristians will respect that more than a track.
Check out what Paul says about meat sacrificed to idols. (1 Cor 10 and Romans 14). I think there's a ballance between how we are accountable to others and how we are accountable to God and our own consciences.
As far as Morgan is concerned, in America today, I think the issue is less that Halloween is a pagan holiday, all there is some darkness around it, but even worse is the issue of greed.
Personally I think less important is WHAT you do, than HOW you talk to her about it. And that's hard with a 4 year old.
I miss you!! I can't wait until you come! I have so much to talk to you about...
By the way, it costs 26 euros per night to stay at the foyer. That includes breakfast and dinner at the foyer (same as I eat everyday.)How does that sound?
As soon as we decide on the exact dates I'll let them know you're coming and make sure you have a room reserved.
I certainly agree with you Erin! I don't want to push anyone away - and I that's why I thought the tracks were lame - I guess that is my point. I have been reading over 1 cor 10 a few times now.... Thank you for this scripture. I think I have an answer.... Each time I try to work out why we could participate, it just feels too much like spiritual warfare - I just can't participate. We'll do something fun, like bowling. As far as talking to her about it, I will if she brings it up, but she hasn't really said anything about it much this year. I think because the school does not support it, so it doesn't get discussed like it did when she was in daycare that was all she talked about. I miss these conversations!
As far as the room in Paris 26 euros is fine with me - actually, sounds pretty good considering that the breakfast and dinner is included! I can't wait. What do you think about the dates? Should I see what the rates are and go from there?
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