Monday, January 21, 2008

When Quiet Is Not Good....

The Crime Scene...

The Weapon.....

The Evidence...

The Result...

The Haircut to Fix the Haircut

I guess Morgan was trying out a future occupation in hairdressing. I walked in the family room to find Morgan in the corner behind her table with sissors to a huge chunk of hair. Next to her was already a wad of hair and pieces from her dancing Dora dress. I almost started crying as I was so upset that #1) she would actually do something like this, #2) that she did do it and #3) that I wasn't around to catch her before she did it. Luckily I was able to get her in for a haircut to fix her haircut! She has been smiling more since then and when I ask her why she is so happy she tells me that she likes having bangs now.


megs @ whadusay said...

Mya has taken a scissors to her hair too, I think all little girls do at one time or other. The nice thing with Mya's was her hair is so thick and she didn't cut her bangs so I didn't even notice she had cut it til I went upstairs and found her hair all over the floor in the bathroom!

Marla said...

Oh Taylor, Leslie did the same thing at about the same age as Morgan. I cried, too, and for a couple of months afterward, strangers thought she was a little boy. She really cut close to her scalp. It must run in the family.

Jami said...

So far so good at our house but I would not be surprised if one day I find a chunk of red hair around! :) The new do looks great on Morgan though! :)